I’m Anne Jayewardene, a fashion designer, and I’ve always had a deep love for creativity. Since childhood, I’ve found joy in making things from scratch and repurposing materials. Recycling has always been a passion of mine, and I’ve always strived to give new life to the things around me. That’s what drives me, both in my work and in my personal life.
One of the most memorable creative projects I’ve worked on is my wooden Christmas tree. It wasn’t for a competition, but rather something personal—something that had been on my wish list for years. It all started in 2022 when my neighbors cut down a big teak tree as part of their home renovation. I had thought about the idea of creating a tree like this for about five years, but I never wanted to harm a tree just to fulfill my dream. So, when the opportunity came, I was thrilled to collect some of the branches they were about to throw away.
It felt like the universe was giving me a chance to turn these discarded pieces of wood into something meaningful. That year was especially significant for me because it marked
Wood, Fabric, leftover bon bon materials, twin, leftover wrapping papers
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